
5 Week TESOL Certification

Thailand Site    19000 Thai Baht  (approximately $575)

120 Hour TESOL Certificate in person.

ASEAN Center for TESOL offers an intensive, five-week course comprising 120 hours of lecture and 20 hours of practice teaching/classroom observation. 

Online TESOL Certificate

120 Hour TESOL Certificate  $300

12 weeks including practicum. 

Expect to spend 15-20 hours on your own time plus the required weekly Zoom meetings 1 times per week for about 3 hours. 

This class includes three “in-class” teaching requirements where the student will video themselves teaching a group of 6+ students and upload it to YouTube for the instructors and classmates to provide encouragement and feedback. Each student will also teach ten 1-hour lessons to non-English speakers, video it, and save it on YouTube for feedback

Online Workshop    $50

The Workshop is made up of around 30 teaching modules including video examples of teaching activities, lesson planning/design, basic methods and information on how to teach English. All modules are done on the student's own time. The student has access to the class for 30 days.